Originally written May 14, 2007
The National Gas Out Day won't work! So, don't waste your time or my ears tell me about this fool-hardy scheme that comes up at least twice a year! I cringe when people actually believe that they are going to make some huge shift in prices in just one day. The simple economics tells the story.
If you are planning on skipping the pump on Tuesday, you likely filled-up Monday or are waiting until Wednesday. And so will all the rest of you crazies! Therefore, the gas companies (more importantly O.P.E.C -- Oil Producing and Exporting Countries) will still get all of that profit, just one day later -- or sooner as the case may be.If you really wanna make a splash in the oil markets, you'll need to do several things:
Stop blaming President Bush!
He's not the cause of high gas prices. The cause is a combination of OPEC, the futures market value, federal and state tariffs, the lack of refinery capacity in the U.S. and her dependence on foreign oil, green peace and other wackjobs not letting us drill for oil in our own country because we MIGHT harm the environment, and political unrest in the Middle East and Africa.
Properly maintain your car buy keeping up with all scheduled maintenance.
Only put the grade of gasoline on which your engine's manufacturer suggests it be run. Also make sure your tires are properly inflated. Finally, remove all excess garbage and junk from your car. Every pound your car carries decreases fuel efficiency. All of those empty coffee cups and McDonald's bags add up after a while.
Car pool.
Drive a hybrid (I shutter saying that because I don't want to be mistaken as a tree hugging, earth idol worshipping, freak show).
Pick one day every week and make that your permanent "No Gas Day".
Never buy gas on that day again. It will take a concerted and persistent 'gas out' to really make any waves in the futures of crude.
Just to prove you have intellectual prowess, stop giving U.S. oil companies the figurative finger every time they post earnings reports.
I, for one, am happy our capitalistic society is working and it is a beacon/model for the rest of the world to follow. Back in the 80s when gasoline was $0.25 a gallon, I don't remember Congress rushing to the financial aid of the oil companies to keep them afloat. So, now that they are prospering (thanks in large part to President Clinton's efforts to increase our dependence on foreign oil) people like Hilary Clinton should shut her "I wanna take those oil profits" mouth...and so should all those who are pissed at Exxon-Mobil, Marathon, and BP.
Thank you and keep the change!
Labels: blog post, Clintonism, Gas Out Day
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